The latter part of the week we were dealing with a full moon and extreme tides. These conditions seemed to have thrown the fish off their patterns a bit. Now that we are coming off the recent moon phase I am starting to see the pattern come back. The redfish and trout are still around along with the snook and tarpon as well. We also still have a good population of bait fish through out New Smyrna Beach south to Mosquito Lagoon.
Capt Patrick Rood (386)566-1394
The weather has been extremely hot but the fishing is still holding strong. The bite has definitely been better early morning or late evening as the water temps are cooler. We still have a good number of bait in Mosquito Lagoon and through out the New Smyrna Beach area. Look for the bait and you will find you game fish from tarpon to redfish they are all hanging out in the back country this time of year.
Capt Patrick Rood (386)566-1394 With the rainy conditions starting to subside the water temps in New Smyrna Beach and Mosquito Lagoon are back on the rise. The bite is still holding strong on both redfish and trout along with a few snook in the mix. We still have a good number of tarpon through out the New Smyrna area as well. The bite has been better early morning and late evening as water temps and air temps drop a few degrees. Live bait and cut bait have been their food of choice lately. They have also been receptive to artificials as well using plugs in the morning and switching to ADL spoons along with soft plastics later in the day.
Capt Patrick Rood (386)566-1394 The fishing here in New Smyrna Beach has been good with several redfish and trout coming boat side. We have also had numerous tarpon hanging around as well and spread out through Mosquito Lagoon. They can be a little snooty at times but patience will prevail. The water clarity is still great and we still have good numbers of Bait pods holding on the flats and in the creeks.
Capt Patrick Rood (386)566-1394 |
Check back every month for the latest fishing reports covering New Smyrna Beach, Daytona Beach and the Mosquito Lagoon. ARCHIVES
January 2025